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02 June 2014



The regular meeting of the Leicester Radio Society was called to order at (a) 19.45 19/05/2014 by Tony M3PYG Chair, Who chaired committee meeting

Present: Vice Chair John GOIJM, Treasurer Mike G4SJX, Sec Alex G8FCQ,

Russ 2E0CRE assistant sec Ordinary members Lorraine MOSWG/G7DNN, Dayne 2EODLD, , Dave G7DPU Paula M3UNL unavailable on catering duties.

  1. Approval of Agenda as distributed
    No Agenda provided
    Alex requested could he please be furnished with items for Agenda preferably 10 days before future monthly meetings. For compiling and distribution to committee members.

  2. Approval of Minutes
    Minutes accepted
    Signed off by Chair "Tony" with Typo errors amended by pen and distributed to notice board

  3. Open Issues Matters arising

  4. G4SJX/M3PYG Single fuel pending hope some progress by imminent half term

  5. G4SJX letter from LCC regarding gas certificate please see above

  6. Meter removal will expedite the need and cost of a gas certificate.

  7. John GOlJM mentioned we MUST have it capped to avoid standing charges

  8. Summarize the discussion for each existing issue, state the outcome and assign any action item. All items to be discussed as New Business as new and first committee meeting

  9. Tony, Air conditioning in progress Tony being in Contact with Supplier

  10. Alex again suggested agenda items before meetings see “A” above.

  11. Excellent talk by Richard G3CWI

  12. New Business Summarize the discussion for new issues, state the next steps and assign any action item

  13. Alex Loop antenna installation to commence half term w/c 22 May

  14. Russ “T” Shirt provision, Russ remarked Jim had not been too well but Russ had been in contact

  15. Dave Francis JPF paid and now has his image wear. General discussion regarding Disabled toilet in progress.

EEE QRZ issues addressed


GGG. Tony has started ground maintenance


III. Tea club Price rise suggested 50p per cup to be presented at June open meeting 9" June


KKK. SK Kit and surplus Alex has bought a used club rotator for £75.

LLL. Russ a TV rotator for £15

MMM. Total E90 to club funds




OOO. Suggestion one week final chance to members for any purchase at June open meeting. Committee then to dispose as seems fit


SSS. Year Book Alex received input from RSGB seems we need to reply within 8 days

TTT. Consequently we will have missed this years book

UUU. Note Alex holding last issue to bring to club

VVV. Dave suggested that future committee's should consider input in new year


XXX. Main action points

YYY. Program updates


AAAA. Toilet disabled Alex to get prices

  1. Ramp Tony Dave and others

  2. Hygiene talk Dayne

  3. Gas single supply issue Mike

  4. John stated after question from Dave that ALL club license’s are fully validated G3LRS G2AA G6XRS G5UM

  5. Suggestion that we have a Validation evening post Open meeting.
    i. John has run and checked the club petrol generator

  6. Various memberships have been renewed

Subsequent to meeting I have received on request action points submitted by Dave G7DPU This seems to be a copy of previous submission, I will endeavor to supply a quick draft Agenda before meeting.

BBBB. Meeting concluded (a) 2106 Monday 2"June 2014 CCCC.

DDDD. Next meeting scheduled for July 7th

Alex G8FCQ Approved by:

Tony Webb

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