Welcome to the website of the Leicester Radio Society
We are an amateur radio club based in Leicester with over 110 years of history, please take a look around. Current and previous members are encouraged to create an account by clicking on the "Sign up" link on the right hand side of the page. If you are considering joining us (or are just interested in amateur radio), you are welcome to sign up and use the shoutbox where many club members are active.
2023 was our 110th year as an amateur radio club in Leicester, and we held a number of events, including operation of the Special Event callsign GB1LRS during August. More information is on the dedicated 110th anniversary QRZ.com page
Below you will find upcoming events and announcements from the committee.
Monday 31st March 2025, Open Meeting
Start time 19:30 (7:30pm)
You can join us in-person or Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 833 9099 8375
Passcode: 0eGTG0
Amateur Radio Clubs On The Air
(Launched 23rd - 24th March 2024)
22nd - 23rd March 2025
What a great weekend !
Lots of club station and club members on the air
All 4 LRS calls QRV SSB CW RTTY FT8/4 FM
A big THANKYOU to everyone who turned out to make the weekend a sucsess
More details to follow
Now ongoing look out for our club calls
No events |
Regulars (check main events page for any changes):
Regular club meetings are held every Monday evening from 7.30pm.
Club Scheme relaunched as BRICKWORKS
The scheme provides many interesting tasks aimed at increasing your knowledge and participation in the hobby.
Have you registered? if so please let me know how you are getting on.
If not, why not join the scheme
If you would like further information contact Mike G4SJX for a copy of the requirements.
Also for members and non-members don't forget the Individual Scheme again contact Mike G4SJX
Please visit the LRS Youtube channel to view a selection of videos that we have made available:
Any member not able to attend the club in person can still join in with club meetings:
General chat nights, talks and Beyond Exams / Brickworks
Join us online 19.30 onwards
(Link usually open from 19.15)
Fridays 20:00 (local) 145.400 +- QRM
Come and join us on the air each Friday night
another opportunity to keep in touch with the latest club news.
TX Factor is a series of high definition TV shows covering all aspects of the hobby of amateur radio, the latest episode is below.
TX Factor episode 31 is now live.
We present you with a dilemma! Whether to watch Euro 2024, the headliner act at Glastonbury, study the manifestos of the UK political parties, or . . . to sit back and watch the latest episode from TX Factor. The choice is yours. However, this latest show will keep, so there's no need to rush.
In this programme, we look at the latest device from Icom. It's the IC-R15 communications receiver. Bob and Mike discuss how best to configure the Anytone BT-01 bluetooth microphone with your Anytone AT-D578 - a boon for mobile operating. And, of course, part 2 of our two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 satellite with the Groundstation 2 from DX Patrol.
We hope, the best team wins (political party and the football!).
TX Factor is sponsored by the Radio Society of Great Britain.
Previous episodes are available to view here